How To Get Cold Air From Basement Upstairs: A Detailed Guide

Keeping your home cool in the summer is an important task, especially when you want to avoid high energy bills. One way to do this is to get cold air from the basement and pump it upstairs to the rest of the house.

The basement is a natural source of cool air, as hot air rises and cold air falls. In this guide, we will go over several methods to get cold air from the basement to the upper floors of your home.

how to get cold air from basement upstairs

Why is the basement colder than the upstairs?

The basement is typically colder than the upstairs due to the way that air circulates and the natural flow of hot air rising and cold air sinking. The basement windows, doors, and vents may be sources of cold air that can mix with the warm air in the basement. The air pressure in the basement may also be lower, causing the cold air to be drawn up to the upper floor.

To get more cold air from the basement upstairs, one can install a basement window fan, a rotating fan in the basement, or a basement floor ceiling fan.

The fan can help push air upstairs and improve air circulation in the entire system.

If the basement has a trap door or one or two windows, opening them can help to draw in the fresh air and cool the basement, but also make sure there are no exhaust fumes.

In the summer, a summer fan switch can be installed in the thermostat system to turn on the fan and pump cool air upstairs when the temperature gets too hot. The central HVAC system may also have a control panel that can be used to regulate airflow and adjust energy consumption.

Keeping the basement door open, the upstairs windows, and the exterior doors closed on a very hot day can help to maintain the cooling effect and reduce energy consumption. Keeping interior doors open and unblocking the return air vent can also improve air circulation and make the up floor feel cooler.

It’s important to remember that the entire air system is interconnected, so making changes to the basement can affect the temperature and air quality upstairs. Regular maintenance of the HVAC system, such as checking the pilot light, can help to ensure that the air is circulating effectively and efficiently.

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How to get cold air from basement upstairs?

In this part of the article, we will discuss some possible methods of getting cold basement air upstairs.

Using a box fan in the basement window

One of the simplest ways to get cold air from the basement is by using a box fan in the basement window. This method is affordable, quick, and easy to implement. The box fan can be placed in basement windows and then aimed to blow cool basement air into the room.

The warm air from the rest of the house will then be pushed out through one or two windows in the basement, creating a natural air flow that circulates cold air form the basement upstairs.

Using a window fan

One more technique to obtain the desired cold air from the basement is by utilizing window fans. These fans, unlike regular fans, are specifically designed to fit into windows.

By positioning one of these fans in the window of the basement, it can be adjusted to push cold air into the room, effectively creating a natural airflow that circulates the cold air upstairs areas, thereby replacing the warmer air with refreshingly cool air.

This method is effective not only because of the natural flow of air but also because it enables the distribution of cold air from basement upstairs.

In conclusion, using window fans is an excellent way to bring the much-needed cold air from the basement to other areas of the house, particularly to the basement upstairs, which can often be warmer due to its proximity to the ground.

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Using the basement door

Having a door in the basement can be a great tool in helping regulate the temperature in your home. During the day, when the air outside is cooler, you can take advantage of this by keeping the door in the basement open.

This will allow the cool air to flow freely into the upper level of your home, providing a refreshing change from the warm air that may be trapped inside.

To maximize the effect, it’s recommended that you close the door at night, as the temperature begins to rise. By doing so, you are trapping the basement air inside the room and preventing hot air from entering.

This simple method can be incredibly effective in helping to cool down your entire home, but it’s important to note that it may not be as efficient as using a fan.

A fan can help distribute the cold air from the basement throughout the whole house, providing a more consistent and controlled flow of air.

However, if you don’t have a fan, or if you’re looking for a more energy-efficient solution, using the door in the basement can be a great alternative. Just remember to keep the door open during the day and close it at night for best results.

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Using a Return Air Vent

A complicated method for circulating cool basement air throughout the house via the internal heating system involves installing a return air vent in the basement near the floor. Some basements already have a return air vent, but it may not be positioned correctly.

Proper placement of the return air vent will allow the cold basement air to be effectively pulled into the system when the “summer switch” is activated on the thermostat.

Seeking the assistance of a professional HVAC technician is recommended to prevent damage to the system. Installing the vent can lower the overall temperature of the house, but the basement will remain warm due to the circulation of air from the rest of the house.

For the cold basement air, the entire system must be temporarily turned off. The return air vent is different from using a basement window fan or circulating the cold basement air upstairs via the basement stairs.

Using a floor fan

A fan on the floor is another way to get cold air from basement upstairs. The fan can be placed in the basement and used to push cool air up the basement stairs. This method is effective because it creates a natural airflow that circulates air throughout the whole house.

Using a high-velocity box fan

A high-velocity box fan is a type of fan that is designed to move large amounts of air. This fan can be used in the basement to push cool air upstairs. By using a high-velocity fan, you can increase the flow of cool air into the room and create a more effective cooling system.

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Balancing the air pressure in the air system

For smooth airflow upstairs, balancing the air pressure within the system is key. An imbalanced system can result in hot and cold rooms, as well as bad odors and exhaust fumes from machinery. A properly balanced air pressure system is crucial for proper ventilation.

When changing the direction of air from basement, it’s important to work with a technician or adjust the ventilation register yourself while the system is running. Monitor room temperature and adjust vents accordingly – close vents for cold rooms, open them for hot rooms – and consider opening or closing windows to achieve desired results.

To avoid cold basement air from affecting the upstairs, switch to summer mode for more fresh air circulation.

With the right air pressure management, you can keep cold air in the basement and enjoy a comfortable home environment.

Maximize HVAC system’s efficiency

To maximize the efficiency of your HVAC system, especially if it relies on a furnace to distribute cold air from the basement upstairs, there are a few steps you can take. Firstly, you will want to remove the side panel of the furnace to allow for more air circulation.

This can be done by turning off either the gas or oil supply, which will also cause the pilot light to switch off. With the side panel removed, you will be able to increase the amount of cold air that is being distributed from the basement to the upper levels of your home.

Next, locate the “summer switch,” which is usually located either on the furnace or the control panel for the thermostat system. Turning this switch on will activate the fan, which will help to circulate the cold air from the basement upstairs.

To ensure the maximum effectiveness of this process, it is important to keep windows closed and to have the trap door of your attic open. This will allow moving the cold air upstairs toward the roof of your home, resulting in the upper levels cooling down quickly and efficiently.

By making good use of your HVAC system and properly utilizing the tools at your disposal, such as the summer switch and proper air circulation, you can enjoy a comfortable, cool home even on the hottest of days.


The benefits of using cold basement air to cool the house

Having a cool basement is an excellent way to lower the temperature in your home during the summer months.

By utilizing the cool air from your basement, you can save money on air conditioning bills and reduce the carbon footprint.

The process of getting cold air from the basement to the upstairs involves a few steps, including creating a ventilation system and opening basement vents. This article will discuss the benefits of using cold basement air to cool upstairs and how to do so effectively.


Lower energy bills

By using the cool air from your basement, you can reduce the load on your air conditioner, which in turn will lower your energy bills. This is because the conditioner will not have to work as hard to cool the air, as the air in the basement is already cool.

Better indoor quality of air

The cold air will also improve the indoor quality of air by bringing in fresh air and removing stale air. This can be particularly beneficial for people with allergies or respiratory issues.

Environmentally friendly

Using the air in the basement to cool upstairs is an environmentally friendly way to reduce the carbon footprint. By reducing your reliance on air conditioning, you are helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which is essential for the health of the planet.


Creating a ventilation system to bring air to the upstairs is a cost-effective way to cool your home. This is because you do not have to buy a separate air conditioning unit for the upstairs.

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Frequently asked questions

How do you redirect air from basement to upstairs?

Redirecting air to the upstairs involves creating a ventilation system to move the air from basement to the upstairs where it is needed. The following steps outline the process: install vents in the basement, install ducts, install fans, install vents in the upstairs, and insulate the ducts.

It is recommended to consult with a professional for proper installation of the ventilation system to ensure maximum efficiency and safety.


Getting air from the basement is a simple and effective way to cool down your home in the summer. Whether you use a box fan, a window fan, a door of the basement, a return air vent, a floor fan, or a high-velocity fan, the key is to create a natural airflow that circulates cool air throughout the entire house.

By using these methods, you can save money on energy bills, improve the quality of the air, and keep your home cool and comfortable on even the hottest days. In conclusion, we want to say that, we hope that you have figured out how to get cold air from basement upstairs, and will use our tips.

Read More About Pulling Cool Air Up From The Basement

James Derrick

If you have become a reader of my blog, you are thinking about how to properly equip your home. I want to say that together with my family we live in our own big house.

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