Drylok On Basement Floor: How To Get A Reliable Moisture Barrier And Nice Design?

Maintenance of basements is quite difficult. In such rooms, the temperature is always low, and the humidity is high. Because of this, concrete can collapse. For security reasons, the basement must be protected. Read more about the application of Drylok on the basement floor in this article.

drylok on basement floor

The need to insulate the basement floor

Drylok on the basement floor is in particular demand for insulation. This composition is distinguished by waterproofing properties, which positively affect the aesthetics and functionality of the basement. If you refuse to use it, water penetrates inside, provoking health problems.

Waterproofing is required to protect against water, and Drylok is a win-win. The main purpose of the composition is to contact the surface of the masonry and resist the pressure of water.

You can use Drylok if you plan to color after.

However, Drylok Floor and Wall Masonry Waterproofer cannot be combined with oil or latex paints. A composition is a suitable option if you are new to waterproofing.

Causes of a basement flood

As already mentioned, due to poor waterproofing, the basement can be flooded. After that, bacteria, including mold, actively begin to develop. Water can damage the structural integrity of a building. Therefore, before using Drylok Floor and Wall Masonry Waterproofer, it makes sense to identify the problem.

The main causes of dampness in the basement include:

  • lack of underground drainage or its poor quality;
  • leaks;
  • cracks in the foundation;
  • close position of groundwater;
  • humidity and condensation.

If you don’t fix the issue first and apply Drylok right away, you may notice mustiness. Even if you do not have problems with humidity, it’s not superfluous to cover the basement floor and walls with waterproofing. After that, it is easier for you to take care of the space because you do not have to constantly clean up.

Does the basement need to dry before applying Drylok?

If you want the best results, it is essential to dry all surfaces in the basement first. Only then can you apply Drylok. This is explained by the fact that such compositions are better fixed on dry surfaces, which positively affects their service life.

First, the basement floor and walls must be washed to remove dirt, grease, and dust. Then leave the surface to dry, and wait a day. If there are windows and doors in the basement, they should be opened to improve airflow. You can also use a fan or dehumidifier to speed up the process.

Concrete has a rough surface, and it’s a bit like a sponge. Therefore, some moisture may remain inside. Checking the degree of drying is quite simple:

  1. Glue on 12″ x 12″ aluminum foil.
  2. Leave it for a day, then remove it.
  3. If there is moisture left on the side of the foil that was attached to the concrete, then the surface needs to be dried.

You can open windows and doors, or install a dehumidifier. You need to leave the concrete to dry for another day. However, it is better to combine all methods so that the work goes much faster.

14 Paint 600

Benefits of using Drylok. Which Drylok products are suitable for brick or concrete?

If you use Drylok Floor and Wall Masonry Waterproofer in the basement, you may notice several benefits, namely:

  • water does not penetrate inside and destroy the foundation;
  • protection against corrosion, so the reinforcement does not rust, and the tree does not rot;
  • preventing the development of bacteria and fungi, which increases health safety;
  • increasing the wear resistance of floors, and they serve for decades;
  • the service life of waterproofing is up to 15 years.

Drylok has a wide range of waterproofing compounds that are designed for different surfaces. If you are working with concrete or masonry, choose Drylok Floor & Wall Masonry Waterproofer.

What compositions are appropriate for working on the floor?

Several products can be used on the basement floor. Consider Drylok floor and wall waterproofing, or latex-based concrete floor paint.

Drylok E1 epoxy floor paint works well and is the best option for concrete.

You can treat the floor with anti-slip compounds, or a penetrating sealant Drylok Protector Clear Low Sheen. To protect the basement floor from salt, a concrete protector can be used.

What surfaces are Drylok Protector Clear Low Sheen suitable for?

The manufacturer claims that its products are designed to work with exposed masonry or concrete floors in the basement. Therefore, for wood and metal, this option is not appropriate. You run the risk of wasting money because you do not notice any result with basement floors.

Preparing the basement for Drylok

Once you’ve made sure that the surfaces in the basement are designed to work with Drylok, you can then start prepping them. First, you need to clean the surface of dirt, dust, and grease. As already mentioned, the surface must be dried. In places where there are cracks and holes, there should also be no water.

Then treat all cracks and holes with Drylok Fast Plug. If there are traces of old paint, they must be removed with a wire brush. Keep your basement at 50 degrees Fahrenheit and low humidity. Try to use Drylok only in dry weather.

To remove salt deposits and excess solution, use Drylok Etch. You can also use hydrochloric acid. Finally, it remains to wipe and dry the surface.

The optimal amount of Drylok Extreme Masonry Waterproofer and Drylok Original Masonry Waterproofer

It is important to determine the correct amount of Drylok. The exact amount depends on the area of your basement. The larger the area, the more Drylok Extreme Masonry Waterproofer and Drylok Original Masonry Waterproofer are required. This significantly increases the budget.

On average, 90-100 square feet require about 1 gallon of product. This applies if you plan to install waterproofing on walls and floors. If you work with Drylok Original Wall Masonry Waterproofer and Extreme Wall Masonry Waterproofer, then 1 gallon is for 75-100 square feet.

It is important to pay attention to the porosity of the surface. The higher the score, the more paint is required.


Application of Drylok on the basement

Once you decide on the basic parameters, you can proceed to the main stage of the work.

Collection of tools and materials

To work, you need several tools and materials, namely:

  • metal brush;
  • scraper and hose for washing under high pressure;
  • plug and Drylok brush;
  • 3.8″ foam roller. Alternatively, you can use a brush;
  • impregnation for waterproofing walls and floors Drylok;
  • transparent sealant Drylok Wetlook;
  • Drylok Natural Look membrane;
  • penetrating sealant Drylok Protector Clear Low Sheen;
  • Drylok anti-slip additive;
  • protector for Drylok concrete;
  • Drylok concrete floor latex paint;
  • Drylok E1 epoxy paint.

Workplace preparation

As you prepare your workspace, you may encounter dust and other types of contaminants that can be hazardous to your health. Therefore, you need to work with open windows so that air can circulate. Optionally, you can install a fan.

It is essential to prepare protective equipment. This applies to goggles, gloves, and a respirator. This protects against the negative effects of dust. During preparation, you need to remove the old concrete floor paint.

Surface preparation

As already mentioned, first you have to remove dirt and paint residues. To do this, use a metal brush and aggressive cleaning compounds. It is better to clean the paint with a special solvent. Rinse the surface thoroughly with water pressure and dry.

The surface should dry for at least a day. If there are areas where you notice salt deposits in powder form, they need to be treated with Drylok Etch or hydrochloric acid. Then use the Drylok Fast Plug to patch cracks and holes.

If this remedy is not found, apply hydraulic cement, which sets quickly.

It is impossible to paint extremely smooth concrete floors. You need to create the right texture by cleaning the surface with sandpaper. The concrete floors should then be etched with Drylok Etch or hydrochloric acid. The concrete floors should be cleaned with water pressure from 1750 pounds per square inch.

Drylok application

Before proceeding with the application, check how porous the concrete basement floor is. Put some water on it. If water remains on the surface, etching will additionally need to be carried out. If the water is absorbed, then you can get to work.

Drylok formulations must be constantly stirred. If you don’t want your basement floor to be slippery, you can apply 3 ounces of Drylok’s special additive. It is best to dilute this amount in 1 gallon of Drylok paint. Apply the compound to the concrete using a roller or brush with nylon bristles.

After applying the first coat of Drylok Floor & Wall Masonry Waterproofer, wait 2 hours for it to dry. If you are using Drylok E1 epoxy or latex paint, the first coat should dry for about 4 hours or more. For the shade to be uniform, the second layer must be applied in the transverse direction from the first layer.


Drylok should dry for at least a day. If you want to check, then the cover withstands light foot traffic for 4 hours. You cannot have heavy foot traffic on the basement floor for the first day. Do not lay the floor or carpet during this time. Drying time depends on many factors, including:

  • layer thickness. The thicker the layer, the longer the paint dries;
  • room temperature. If the temperature is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, it takes longer to dry the floor;
  • indicators of humidity. If the indicators are above 60%, then the drying time increase.

The optimal number of Drylok layers

The minimum Drylok coating consists of two layers. Only in this way can maintain the validity of the warranty agreement be. If you do not follow these recommendations, in case of a bad result, you cannot replace the product or return your money.

Are there colored Dryloks?

Drylok supplies multicolor formulations. However, the range of pigments is limited. Shades may vary depending on the composition produced. Drylok Original Wall Masonry Waterproofer comes in 4 preset colors and 6 shades.

The main colors of the Drylok Original Wall Masonry Waterproofer include snow-white, beige, gray, and blue. Mint, slate blue, platinum shade, sandy, powdery, and ranunculus are distinguished from the shades.

Even though the color range of the Drylok Original Wall Masonry Waterproofer is limited, you can still choose the best option for yourself.

In this case, the basement floor is individual.

If the colors of the Drylok Original Wall Masonry Waterproofer shown are not to your liking, you can overcoat Drylok with other paints that are compatible with these formulations.



When working with Drylok on the basement floors, people face numerous questions.

Can you use Drylok on a basement floor?

Yes, you can use Drylok while working on the basement floors. The company specializes in products designed for such premises. In retail, you can find compositions that are suitable for walls, floors, stone facades, and decorative brickwork.

Can you use Drylok on a concrete floor?

Products from Drylok have been specifically designed to work with basement floors. You can apply them over bare concrete before laying the basement floor over the slab.

Should I use Drylok in my basement?

Drylok products are the best option if you plan to do basement decorating. This prevents the penetration of trapped moisture, which maintains a favorable atmosphere, without the risk of encountering bacteria and mold.


As you can see, Drylok products are the best option for working with basements and basements. If you apply the compounds correctly, the room is so safe that you can equip it with a living space – a kitchen, bedroom, or living room.

Also Read About Inexpensive Options For Flooring In Basements

James Derrick

If you have become a reader of my blog, you are thinking about how to properly equip your home. I want to say that together with my family we live in our own big house.

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